How to draft background/introduction of your research(論文 "Introduction" の書き方)

We have to show readers clearly what your aim is, what's novel, what's unique and what's important and why it is.

...That's all, but I add here some additional comments about it.

●Do not list only the fact in your background/introduction section. The fact may be actually the background of your study, but if you write and list only the fact long or redundantly, it's very very extremely hard for readers to understand what you are thinking about and what your interests is focusing on.

●You have to demonstrate clearly, in your drafting manuscripts, what the current issue(s) is in the relevant field (and in the world), and how you are going to contribute to the issue. Breafly, you MUST show readers CLEARLY the AIMS (and the prospects, if possible) and the roads to the aims in "introduction".
「背景」として書くべきは、あなたの研究が解決した(しようとする)課題が何なのか、その課題は当該分野(ならびに世界)の中でどういう位置づけにあるのか、そして、あなたの研究がその課題解決に対してどのように貢献しようとしているのか、ということです。つまり、"introduction" には研究の目的と、その目的を導くまでの道筋を示してください。

+ + + Example + + +
1) What's the issues on (the relevant field...)
2) What's known about (the topics you are saying...)
3) What's the major issues on (the topics you are saying...)
4) What's focused on in the present study and why is it??
5) What's the predictive role of (the focused ones) in (the topics you are saying) OR What's the predictive relationship between (the focused ones) in (the topics)
6) What's the aim of the present study?
+ + + + + + + + + +

●When you list your reference articles, add your comments suggesting that what you learned from and what is important for each. Only linking (for each URL) provides no information to readers.

●Do not cite any references without reading the full text. Do not disrespect any previous studies which you want to learn from.

Overall, do not list what you want to do or what you've done, but design it!(列挙するのではなくデザインすべし!)


●●学術界サバイバル術入門 — Training 8:論文掲載の戦略(Natureダイジェスト2019.5)
「劣等戦隊・先行研究羅列マン」にご用心!? :先行研究をまとめるときに最も注意すること(NAKAHARA LAB.NET)