<WEC 2008> Our poster set on the board (11 Mar, 2008)


 *Started at 6:30 a.m. around the Fitzroy Garden
 Running for 50 minutes (about 12.5km, 49'04")


 朝6時半スタートでしたが、サマータイムだったためまだ暗かったです。でも、他にも多くのランナーを見ることができました。みんな、この街にたくさんある公園や庭園で気持ち良く走っているんです。今朝のコース、フィッツロイガーデンの外周は1周約2.1km。これを6周、1km 4分ほどのペースで走りました。オーストラリアは日本とほとんど時差がないので、生活リズムが狂うこともなく快適に走れました。しかも、昼間は暑いメルボルンも朝晩は20℃を下回って涼しかったので、走るには最適でした。


 朝練習の後、ホテルからJogで10分ほどの所にあるクイーンビクトリア・マーケットに、朝ごはんを買いに行きました。メルボルン市街の北部にある、非常に大きい市場でした。果物や野菜、パンと、お腹を壊しそうなチーズ (!?) を買って朝ごはんにしました。

















●2008年3月10日 メルボルン到着
●2008年3月11日 国際学会WEC2008にポスター掲示
●2008年3月12日 5度目にして初・英語での学会発表
●2008年3月13日 初めて南十字星を見た日
●2008年3月14日 火災報知機の鳴った学会最終日


 We could see many runners and joggers in Melbourne. They were running at many parks and gardens existing all over the city. I ran around the Fitzroy Garden (about 2.1km/round) this morning. In melborne, it was warm in the daytimes but cool in nights and mornings. Today's lowest temperature in Merbourne was 16 C degrees, so I could run very comfortable!

 From 8:30 a.m., we jogged for about ten minutes to the Queen Vitoria Market, which is a large market in northern area of Melbourne. We bought breads, cheese, fruits and vegetables (valencia oranges, strawberries, and tomatoes) at the market and ate them for breakfast (The first picture above).

 We used the city tram many times in this day. We could buy one day ticket of the tram at $6.50. We had a lunch in St. Kilda, which is in the South Melbourne and is near the Albert Park. We reached there for about ten minutes from the central of Melbourne by the tram. We took a rest and relaxed in this calmed town with a beach (The second picture).


 We also visited the Richmond, which is in East Melbourne, and about twenty minutes far from the City Central by the tram. We had a fun shopping at the Richmond Chocolate Factory Outlet. (The chocolates I gave everyone on the day of our a graduation ceremony of graduated school were bought in this shop!)

 The World Congress of Endometriosis, in which we participate, started the registration for participants on this day. We completed the registration this afternoon and poster-setting this evening.

 The congress started fully on the next day, so I felt uneasy a little at that night. After the registration, I found that I was required to present to a judging panel on the next morning. I hoped my presentation could be completed without any serious problem.


Arrived at Melborne (March 10, 2008)
●Our poster set on the board (March 11, 2008)
My fifth but "first" presentation completed (March 12, 2008)
Crowded road and no-clouded sky (March 13, 2008)
The last day of the Congress (Match 14, 2008)