2008年の3月に、World Congress of Endometriosis(WEC 2008:世界子宮内膜症会議)で発表してきました。会議(国際学会の主催なので、以下の日記では学会と書きます。)は、オーストラリアのメルボルンでありました。これから書くのは、そのときの報告(というか、オーストラリア旅行記)です。海外滞在は、3年前のスイス、去年のソウルに続いて3度目。自身初のオーストラリア、初の南半球滞在でした。
メルボルン国際空港(タラマリン空港)からメルボルン市街までは25kmの距離。市街までは、$16(往復$26)で乗れるSkybusで移動。Skybusは、ホテルまでの送迎も無料でしてくれました! ホテル (Victoria All Seasons Hotel) にチェックインしたのは午後1時半。その後さっそく、メルボルン市街の北東部を散策しました。
フィッツロイ・ガーデン、カールトンガーデンズ、セントポールズ大聖堂など。セントパトリックス大聖堂には大きなパイプオルガンがあると聞き、ぜひ見たかったのですが、なぜかこの日は昼でも閉門。なぜ・・・ と思ったら、ビクトリア州の勤労感謝の日 (Labour's Day) でした。よくよく街を歩いていたら、この日はスーツを着ている人はまったく見られず、市内のヤラ川の河川敷には仮設の遊園地まであったのです!
・2008年3月11日 国際学会WEC2008にポスター掲示
・2008年3月12日 5度目にして初・英語での学会発表
・2008年3月13日 初めて南十字星を見た日
・2008年3月14日 火災報知機の鳴った学会最終日
On March 9 of 2008m we left Natita at 21:00 p.m (+9:00). We saw many many stars that we had never seen in elsewhere over Saipan at 0:30 (+9:00), but flied in clouds around the equator. We flied over Cairns seven hours after taking off from Narita, and over Brisbane 8 hours from Narita.
Southeast-Australian time (including Sydney and Melborne) was two hours earlier than Japan from October to March, so 8:30 a.m. in Sydney is 6:30 a.m. in Japan. We dropped in at Sydney from 8:30 a.m. (+11:00) to 10:00 a.m., and arrived at Melbourne International Airport (Tullamarine Airport) at 11:20 a.m. This airport was about 25km far from the central of Melborne. We transfered to the city central by Skybus, available at $16 ($26 for return ticket). We could get to and will be picked by this bus at no extra cost! We checked in the Victoria All Seasons Hotel at 1:30 p.m.
We walked around and saw eastern area of the Central of Melbourne, for example, Parliament House of VIC, Old Treasury, St. Patricks Cathedral, Fitzroy Garden, Carlton
Gardens, and St Paul's Cathedral (The first picture above). We found some difference between Japan and here soon. Traffic lights for pedestrians didn't turn green without pushing buttons on either side of footpath. We didn't know it and kept standing on a face of the red light for some minutes! There were many trees and parks in Melbourne. We could see many birds unusually seen in Japan.
There was one of the central stations of Melbourne city on the opposite side of the St. Pauls Cathedral, Flinders St. Station (The second picture). It was so splendrous as to be on post cards. Yara River was running on just southern side of this station. The night view around here was very beautiful (The third picture).
It's very warm in Melbourne in March. Almost all of men and women, adults and children wear their shirts with short- or no-sleeve. According to the TV weather forecast, it'll be 26 C degrees at maximum tomorrow.
・Our poster set on the board (March 11, 2008)
・My fifth but "first" presentation completed (March 12, 2008)
・Crowded road and no-clouded sky (March 13, 2008)
・The last day of the Congress (Match 14, 2008)