知性について分かっている3つのこと (three things about intelligence)

 以前にもここで紹介した、Ken Robinson氏のTEDのこの講演。大学(院)・学校教育に様々な課題を感じる私は、これを見る度にいろいろなことを考えます。



 Now our education system is predicated on the idea of academic ability. There's a reason... (but in this system,) many highly talented, brilliant, creative people think they're not, because the thing they were good at at school wasn't valued, or was actually stigmatized.

 ...we can't afford to go on that way.

 (Current situation is) a process of academic inflation. It indicates the whole structure of education is shifting beneath our feet. We need to radically rethink our view of intelligence.
 We know three things about intelligence.

 One, it is diverse.

 Secondary, intelligence is dynamic.

 The third thing about intelligence is, it is distinct.

 以下の「知性」が「比類ないもの」であることを示すGillian Lynneの逸話(15'06"-17'32")には、胸にグッと来るものがあります。

...she said, when she was at school, she was really hopeless.
 (But later...) she's been responsible for some of the most successful musical theater productions in history, she's given pleasure to millions, and she's a multi-millionaire. Somebody else might have put her on medication and told her calm down.

 Our only hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, one in which we start to reconstitute our conception of the richness of human capacity.
 Our education system has mined our minds in the way that we strip-mine the earth: for a particular commodity. And for the future, it won't serve us.


Ken Robinson says school kill creativity.